Use "herringbone|herringbones" in a sentence

1. When the fibromatous spindle-cell-like componnent predominates, the semi-malignant dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans must be considered in the differential diagnosis, as well as the cytologically uniform fibrosarcoma, to be disposed in ‘herringbone’ patterns of the tumor cells and the Kaposi sarcoma with spindle-cell differentiation. The latter is distinguishable through its angiomatous character.

Zu berücksichtigen sind bei Überwiegen der fibromatösen spindelzelligen Komponente das “semimaligne” Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, das cytologisch ebenso monomorphe Fibrosarkom mit “fischzugartig” angeordneten Tumorzellen und das spindelzellig differenzierte Kaposi-Sarkom, welches durch seinen angiomatösen Charakter unterscheidbar ist.